
Collaborate with your flatmates

Blog posts

Update for late August 2024

2024-08-27 - 5 min read

"Hi there! 👋 Thank you for checking in. It certainly has been a while since the last update post here and a lot has changed. FlatTrack is a web service focused on helping with common needs in living situations, especially flatting."

Update for mid-November

2020-11-14 - 2 min read

"Hey and welcome 👋 to the next installment of a FlatTrack update! Public status 📢 FlatTrack is now public! 🎉 You can find the project on GitLab, here (mirrored to GitHub, here)."

Update for late June 2020

2020-06-28 - 2 min read

"Hey and welcome to a progress update for FlatTrack! Thank you for stopping by to check this update out. We're so excited to share what we've been busy working on."

What is FlatTrack

2019-12-14 - 1 min read

"Hello and welcome to the FlatTrack blog! Thanks for stopping by. We're excited to get things moving. Our blog will have updates on new changes, announcements, and more. FlatTrack is a single platform to manage many aspects of your flat/community house life."